The UBO is the ultimate beneficial owner, also known as beneficiary. The ultimate beneficiary is the person or entity with an economic interest in an organization. To set up your beneficiary on the platform just follow the next steps, you can have multiple beneficiaries.
- Login with your user account on Eyevestor
- You will land on your dashboard page and the first thing you will see is 'Your beneficiaries'
- Click on 'Add beneficiary'
- Fill in the requested information for the person or entity you want as a beneficiary and click on save
To add your beneficiary to an account in an eyeventure
- In your dashboard go to your account in the eyeventure
- Click on beneficiary
- Choose the beneficiary you want for this eyeventure account.
This is in line with the laws and regulations of the Netherlands, the board of the eyeventure is obliged to have a complete beneficiary register. This is why eyeconholders need to share their personal information. The name address and place of residency need to be up to date at all time, this is the responsibility of both the eyeventure and the investor.
Eyeventure admins have access to the 'eyeconholders' tab, in this tab we collect user account information and the beneficiary information. The eyeconholder tab can be exported by the admin. The 'eyeconholder' tab is the last tab in the navigationmenu for the eyeventure admins.
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