
Affiliate Link
Referrals are available and used with success in previous sharefunding campaigns.  Eyeventures can choose to enable the affiliate links. This gives Vestors...
Di, 25 Mei, 2021 om 3:52 PM
A SWOT is a model for a quick internal and external analyses. Internal is specific for your company and external is for the market your business operates. I...
Wo, 26 Mei, 2021 om 10:11 AM
Ultimate Beneficial Owner
The UBO is the ultimate beneficial owner, also known as beneficiary. The ultimate beneficiary is the person or entity with an economic interest in an organi...
Wo, 26 Mei, 2021 om 5:12 PM
You are the owner of the marketplace, therefore it is up to you to decide when the marketplace is open or closed. If the marketplace is open vestors can tra...
Do, 27 Mei, 2021 om 9:39 AM
What are the costs for registering my eyeventure?
An overview of the services and charges is available on the Eyevestor website.
Ma, 14 Jun, 2021 om 10:59 AM
How can I digitize my equity/shares on the Eyevestor platform?
By creating an eyeventure on the eyevestor platform, you can digitize your equity / shares of your company. Condition is that you now have a COOP or STAK. D...
Ma, 14 Jun, 2021 om 11:08 AM
I have a startup, can I create an eyeventure on eyevestor?
Yes, Eyevestor is for everyone. From our own experience we know that most start ups do not have a lot of formal rules in the beginning to regulate the o...
Ma, 14 Jun, 2021 om 11:18 AM
What type of transaction can I make on Eyevestor?
There are several type of transactions on the eyevestor platform:   Purchase bid  By placing a bid on a sales offer. If bid is accepted by the seller, a p...
Di, 15 Jun, 2021 om 11:29 AM
How much work does it take to create an eyeventure?
Creating an eyeventure is relatively easy. While creating an eyeventure is relatively easy, bear in mind that completing all the fields to give a total pres...
Do, 17 Jun, 2021 om 4:59 PM
With which legel entity can I create an eyeventure?
If you want to digitalize your shareholders, you can use whatever legal entity you prefer, up to 20 accounts (UBO's). With more than 20 accounts you wil...
Do, 17 Jun, 2021 om 5:24 PM