Where can I find information about the eyeventure?

Gewijzigd op Ma, 17 Mei, 2021 om 12:53 PM

On the website of eyevestor you click on 'eyeventures'. You can find all the eyeventures that are live or have been live in the past. If you want more information about a specific eyeventure you can click on the eyeventure. A private eyeventure has to give you permission before you can see the eyeventure. 

You can possibly find the following information: 

  • General description of the activities of the company
  • Business Model Canvas
  • SWOT analyse and 5 forces model
  • Legal structure
  • Management team
  • The rest of the team
  • The advisors that gave their advice to the eyeventure
  • Organisation details
  • eyeventure details
  • The marketplace
  • Latest news of the eyeventure

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